Android smartphone inventory application

Android smartphone inventory application

Mobile application for inventory by barcode, simple or by location with option to display designations.

Economical version by scanning product barcodes from the camera of any Android smartphone, version with imager (integrated scanner) fast on professional terminal.

Save time on your facility’s opening times by using a performance tool to inventory and enter your depots and warehouses more quickly and error-free.

Export results as unique .csv format files: including date and time of export, and the unique number of the device that performed the inventory operation, or direct update on databaseOnce you’ve downloaded the csv file(s), you can edit it, print it out, insert tabs or macros in Microsoft Office or LibreOffice, then import it into your management software, measure discrepancies against the situation in the management software, ERP, inventory management, or through our favorite no-code interface with your databases as option

How do I take a physical inventory with our mobile inventory application?

It goes without saying that all items, finished products or supplies and locations must be labelled with a barcode item code. If this is not the case, contact us for a mobile product labeling application.

Once all your items have been identified, you can start an inventory.

Scanning is done using the barcode image in the camera (smartphone, phone): one press and the mobile application reads the barcode, adds a quantity 1 to the item already scanned, or adds it to the list. Version also available with fast imager on professional terminal For each item, you can adjust the quantity in increments of 1, or even delete the line. Once a location has been completed, save it and move on to the next.

Single or multi-terminal inventory app via imager or camera

Single or multi-terminal inventory app via imager or camera

Once the inventory has been completed, the work is exported as a csv file or through our favorite no-code interface with your databases as option.

It’s impossible to overwrite the previous file, and you can set up several smartphones in parallel by zone to speed things up: the files will never have the same name, so there’s no risk of files being overwritten when the results are consolidated by Excel or OpenOffice/ LibreOffice.

Method for managing inventories by zone, by rotation:: In order to avoid having to inventory everything at once, and to avoid closing the establishment or business to the public, or blocking warehouse flows, and provided that products with the same item code are in the same zone, it is possible to divide the establishment into zones. Each zone is independently inventoried once or several times a year.

If you need a version with different capabilities, as developers, we can build it for you (e.g., add batch management, Rfid tag capture, OCR reading).

Mobile inventory application: a module part of our range of supply-chain and inventory management mobile applications Other functions can be added to this module: see common features.

  • with the “import items” csv option: you can display the description of each item code, the minimum order per item and its supplier code, and with its value, calculate the value of your stock, for each product, at each location.

  • With no options, and no need to enter locations, this becomes a simple mobile inventory application.

You already have an Android smartphone and would like to try out this mobile application module ?

Android app (Apk) provided on Productivix private repository, on request - link and loading QRcode provided To install it, read here

Quantitative test limit displayed according to modules, over 30 days. Qualification customer call before shipment.

Do you have a similar need? Don’t hesitate to tell us what you need: a copy of a pencil drawing of an interface, examples of interface files, a video of an obsolete software program in action will be enough.

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