Software for barcode recording of shipments and calculation of service rates

Software for barcode recording of shipments and calculation of service rates

The only Android mobile application for daily data entry and on-time delivery rate measurement

Calculating OTD (on-time delivery rate) is tedious and complex: this mobile application for barcode entry of shipments and calculation of on-time delivery rate does it for you in real time, and what’s more, you can retrieve the data entered to feed your ERP or Excel!

This smartphone-based service rate calculation application also gives your Methods or production organization consultant real indicators and useful information to help them improve the company’s service performance.

It will help you change your organization.

Extensions are possible!

The problem solved in shipping with this Android application:

  • Quickly measure and calculate production or supply-chain performance at the shipping stage
  • record departure date by barcode scan or character recognition (OCR) of the order and entry of the promise
  • display and measure with a simple smartphone / Android PDA or terminal with integrated barcode scanner
  • export raw data to csv (Excel) or database through our favorite no-code interface with your databases as option

The principle of the OTD measurement application used in our mobile application

Each PDA (smartphone or rugged terminal) with our application measures a production or packaging line, independently. . So a PDA with our application can measure the performance of a workshop on its way out.

The operator scans the order and enters the date on which the customer was promised the start of the order.

If you’d like to take a closer look at the formula for calculating OTD, and realize how difficult it is to obtain this measurement in real time, or even on a weekly basis, here’s the theory:

Measurement and definitions

Customer satisfaction is measured by a “service rate”.


  • Rate of orders delivered on the date requested by the customer = On Time Delivery to Request
  • Rate of orders delivered on the promised date = On Time Delivery to Commit.

In general, we use the 2nd: On Time Delivery to Commit, known as “OTD”: On-Time-Delivery.

Calculation rules

  1. Weekly indicator.
  2. The confirmation date corresponds to an exact day of departure from the factory.
  3. 1 order = 1 line in the schedule.
  4. Promised dispatch date must allow delivery to customer on promised date.
  5. Calculation :
    • Performance index = shipping date[[or product availability]]-company commitment
    • Service rate = (number of orders where performance index <= 0) / (Total number of orders delivered during the week).

Service rate results are displayed:

  • in real time on the input screen for the current day
  • on another screen of the application by :
    • 7 rolling days from the current day
    • by complete week: Monday to Sunday
    • per complete month.

Data is permanently saved in the application memory of the terminal / PDA / Android smartphone.

Details of service rate calculation functions

The scan date and time are those of the scan day: it is not possible to modify or delete the line entered on that day (not the following day). If the order is divided into several shipments, each shipment counts as 1 different order, although the promise date may be the same.

Multiple scanning functions adapted to terminal / PDA and purchase orders

We have integrated several ways of entering the purchase order number:

  • on-screen virtual keyboard, by double-click (slow)
  • by barcode scan: directly via the button on the hardened terminal in the list, or via the button that appears on the screen of a smartphone with a camera (slower)
  • by OCR: if the orders have the same format printed on the header and are clearly legible, character recognition (OCR) can be used, depending on the Google services included and the quality of the device’s camera.

The customer promise date can be entered or selected from an on-screen calendar (quick).

or by OCR of the date on the order form held in the operator’s hand..

The additional indicator for identifying improvements in OTD

An indicator is calculated from the entries: advance index expressed in “JC” == day.order, which gives an indication of the rate of advance (or delay) of your orders and can give you indications of how to resolve failures.

Other uses

With this basic version, you can also enter the service rate of orders from a particular supplier by terminal.

Data import and export

In local mode via USB in the Android “Download” directory

  • Import: if you wish to take over data from another terminal, another solution, and have everything on the terminal: an import is available (an export must be done beforehand, and data grouping in Excel must be done manually) to replace your data. One order ref per day.

  • Data without column titles.

    • Dates: dd/mm/yy Hours: HH:MN:SS
    • File name deleted after import: otd_import.csv
    • format: commandes_Nocommande ; commandes_daterenvoi ; commandes_heureenvoi;commandes_datepromise
  • Export, purge Export in UTF-8, OTD between 0 and 100 (%), depending on the options selected, it is possible to :

    • export and purge the most distant past up to a chosen date, for archiving purposes
    • export all raw or aggregated daily data (service rate and advance index per day).